The T-SPOT.TB test
Addressing the need for accurate TB screening
Did you know that tuberculosis (TB) disease is one of the top 10 causes of death overall1, and the second leading infectious disease killer globally? In Asia-pacific (APAC), there were almost 3 million cases in 20182, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Obtaining an accurate TB test result is crucial, but it can present a challenge. In addition to the annual cases of active TB, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1/4 of the global population has latent TB infection (LTBI)1. According to the WHO End TB Strategy4, the “management of latent tuberculosis infection in people with a high risk of developing active tuberculosis could be an essential component of tuberculosis elimination”3. Certain groups, including those who are immunocompromised, have been identified to be at high-risk of both active TB disease, as well as re-activation of a latent TB infection (LTBI), including:3,5
- Close contacts of active cases
- Children under 5 years of age
- Advanced age
- Persons on anti-TNF and other immunosuppressive therapies
- Chronic renal failure, including those on dialysis
- Diabetes
- Cancer

Between the people and TB, there’s us
As a leading diagnostic company, Oxford Immunotec’s mission is to raise TB awareness in the hopes of eradicating this terrible disease by providing an accurate diagnostic test. We partner with survivors to share their personal stories and work hard to be a leader in the fight against TB.

Cells Matter3
The T-SPOT.TB test is an in vitro diagnostic TB blood test, used for the detection of effector T cells that have been specifically activated by MTB antigens, and is intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of MTB infection.
Enriches the desired cell population
(T cells) from whole blood
Wash cells
Enables removal of serum and potentially interfering substances
Count cells
Facilitates correction for variations in patient PBMC counts
Standardize cells
Ensures that the required number of cells are used to produce a
reportable result
The T-SPOT.TB test advantage
Accurate across patient populations3
- Immunocompromised
- BCG-vaccinated
Highest reliability for IGRA testing6,7 :
- Sensitivity: 98.8%
- Specificity: > 99.9%
US-FDA and CE-mark approved borderline zone provides increased test resolution for results around the cut-off point8,9